Thursday, August 30, 2012

way traffic learn google adsense tips prayer asking guidance and wealth of the soul

my name is bi cahyono introduce learners to write posts to know how to increase traffic to my blog to learn google adsense, and from this I will learn to discipline, hard work, spirit, and strive to be received in google adsense. I signed up a few days already in googlee adsense and approximately 10 times the repulsion hehehehe but I will not give up, because this has become my embroidery for learning success, gain confidence from God, and fight for my parents. learning for success diperkan, in intend, and died desperately. from google adsense I strongly believe once I can get the results from the google adsense GA. although I often rejected because the company probably google adsense GA has his own reasons why, why, and what I would not give to be able to be received in the company of my google adsense GA.dari traffick whether it might cause her. but not why because I learned to work hard to achieve a desire. and my blog is: I postingkan is empty., and hopefully my prayer, prayer friends, and all those who in this world is achieved amiiiiin desire.
on this occasion I will write a prayer asking guidance and richness of the liver. for the benefit of friends all friends so desire akantercapai with conviction, passion, never give up, and always merry, of which wanted to register google adsense will soon receive a publiser, and direct action, and all of the friends friend wants it will be achieved amen amen amen.

and this was his prayer:

And it means the following:
ya allah, I appealed to you guidance and piety, 'Iffah <berhati careful in everything hal> and rich soul. amen

friend of a friend may be useful for all who read it, including my prayer amen.

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